Friday, March 14, 2008

Are Indian Males sexually frustrated????

This is the question that comes to my mind when i read the papers and the increasing number of crimes against women, especially foreign,and children in india....

Everyone knows about the horrible murder of the 15 year old British teenager Scarlett Keeling in India's tourist haven Goa.The mother of the teenager and the Goa police are busy defaming each other.on one hand we have the mother questioning the competency of the police(well, i wont blame her!!!) and on the other we have the goa police accusing her of being an irresponsible parent.Well, this will become a different topic of discussion, but let me not digress from the main issue here.
This is not a one-off case.....other cases of rapes and molestations from places like rajasthan , mumbai, orissa have come to light as well.Many others go unreported....

Why does the indian male view a lady,be it foreign or local, as a sex object who is ready to jump into bed with him????? are we so sexually deprived??? what message are we trying to send to the world people???? that india is a land of perverted individuals who will not spare an opportunity to molest/rape a single woman.......????? and then we go on posing to the world our image as a uber-modern nation....a farce......where, if truth be said, a woman cannot walk the streets without being looked upon as a sex toy by sex-hungry men.......

why live a lie,man????we have no right to call ourselves a modern country, when our women are not given the respect they deserve.........

i hate to say this, but i feel a deep sense of shame to be from a country of such perverts......

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