Sunday, April 6, 2008

olympic run in london a big flop.....

the huge fiasco during the london run of the olympic torch was a very pleasant news........the struggle for tibet is finally gaining momentum and coverage........
hail the protestors who snatched the torch and tried to extinguish it,inspite of the tremendous presence of police personnel on horses and bikes and what guys did awesome....!!!!!!

china should take a cue from all this and stop pretending as if everything is hunky-dory. the whole country and its politicians are a bunch of fakers.........a bunch of ignorant fools who want to control every freaking thing..........from arunachal pradesh to tibet..........

Give it up will never be able to supress freedom and the people who fight for it.........

i hope the beijing olympics turn out to be the worst ever in olympic history......that would teach those chinese a lesson.............

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